In 2020, 亨利·马拉里·奥里亚83年他是信誉最好的网投十大平台的成员 校董会 也是All In运动的联合主席, made a generous commitment that has exp和ed the College’s ability to recruit the best students. 83年Henry Mallari-D ' auria奖学金, 学院的永久捐赠基金, 是由2020年捐赠的500万美元资助的吗.

Four years 晚些时候, Mallari-D 'Auria has chosen to lead again. 事实上, 他以一种显著的方式重新振作起来, committing an additional $5 million to be focused on three key priorities. 第一个, he will add to the Mallari-D 'Auria Scholarship, furthering Trinity’s ability to admit top students. 第二个, he will help Trinity become more competitive over the next five years by growing its Reunion giving program through the 信誉最好的网投十大平台基金. 第三, he has provided for Trinity in the future by putting an additional bequest provision in his estate plan.

在11月, 1983年信誉最好的网投十大平台校友亨利·马拉里·奥里亚, 约翰·哈姆莱特,84页,第15页, 和 Tim Yates ’94 show off their Trinity color ties at the “All In” fundraising campaign public phase kick off at Gotham Hall in Manhattan, NY.

“I have had the privilege to serve with others as a trustee in the last four years, which has given me the opportunity to see Trinity close-up. 仔细看, my conviction has only grown that Trinity 和 its students are richly deserving of our support. Because tuition does not cover the full cost of education, every one of us as students benefited from the 礼物 made by our predecessors. Now, as members of Trinity’s alumni community, it is our turn. 如果可以,我们都应该把爱传递出去.”

“Trinity graduates support our college 和 its students in impressive ways,马拉里-奥里亚说. “But Reunion giving is an area where Trinity can do much better. The unrestricted dollars raised each year through annual funds 和 Reunion campaigns—like the 10th, 25th, 和 50th—provide other institutions with a measure of flexibility 和 competitive advantage. It is time for Trinity alumni to demonstrate our aspirations for the College.”


Mallari-D 'Auria, who serves as chief investment officer of global 和 emerging markets equities  at Ariel Investments 和 sits on the firm’s Executive Committee, sees his gift as a way of opening doors for students, 的方式 金融援助 和 实习 对他来说是很重要的. “我的第一份工作, 最终我的职业生涯, 是因为在学校实习吗,马拉里-奥里亚说, who had a 32-year career at AllianceBernstein before his recent move to Ariel Investments. “All of that would not have been possible if Trinity hadn’t offered me 金融援助. And that 金融援助 was only available because of previous generations of alumni who gave generously.”

在哈特福德地区长大, Mallari-D 'Auria 和 his parents knew Trinity alumni—they were among their friends, 的同事们, 和老师. 他的高中历史老师, 丹·多尔,66年, was a Trinity alumnus 和 the first to suggest Mallari-D 'Auria consider applying to Trinity. Mallari-D 'Auria回忆, 丹·多尔说, ‘Trinity would be a great place for you to go’ 和 offered to write a letter of recommendation for me.” Acceptance to the College was followed by a generous 金融援助 package 和, 晚些时候, 一份校内兼职, which made affording Trinity possible for Mallari-D 'Auria 和 his family.

在他大三的时候,马拉里·德·奥里亚 经济学 major, interned with the investment management division of Travelers Insurance. The connections he made there led to his first job after college at PaineWebber. “Trinity was key to being able to get that first job,” he said.

Mallari-D 'Auria回忆 that shortly after his graduation from Trinity, he felt an obligation to give back to his alma mater. “虽然钱不多,但也算不错. 学校对我来说很重要.” His involvement with Trinity continued through the years, including attending 团聚 制定年度计划 信誉最好的网投十大平台基金 礼物. As his support increased, he decided to focus his philanthropy on 金融援助.

“I understood that the price of a small liberal arts school is out of reach for many families 和 that I had an opportunity to ease some of that burden. 我的观点是,如果你有能力, you ought to contribute to the school’s ability to enroll the best students.”


As co-chair of the All In campaign 和 a trustee of the College, Mallari-D 'Auria takes seriously the responsibility to lead by example. His gift is reflective of this belief 和 informed by his service on the 校董会.

Each giving vehicle—current-use 礼物 through the 信誉最好的网投十大平台基金, 永久的养老, 和 an estate provision—is unique in its timing 和 impact,马拉里-奥里亚说. “在三一, as is the case among other private liberal arts colleges, robust alumni support can be the key to excellence. 事实上, at those liberal arts colleges we have seen rise precipitously during the past decade, alumni giving did provide the competitive advantage. 我们知道逢三杀手比他们都强. 这是我们的时代.”

乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统, Mallari-D 'Auria’s decision to double down on his philanthropic support “in such a smart way” embodies his enormous contributions to the College as a trustee. 作为一个领导者, Henry is focused on two things: creating opportunities for the most deserving students 和 ensuring that Trinity has the resources it needs to compete vigorously 和 successfully in its third century,”她说。. “Serving with him has been one of the privileges of my presidency.”


The All In campaign has raised $375 million for objectives articulated in Summit: A Strategic Plan for the Future of 信誉最好的网投十大平台, 包括支持学生奖学金, 教师和三一加课程, 体育运动, 实习, 学生的研究, 创业, 物理校园, 和 the entire student experience through the 信誉最好的网投十大平台基金. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护).